Our Story

The "Lower Garden" - our primary vegetable, fruit, and herb garden 

The revolution garden - a modified version of hydroponic gardening

The Greenhouse - we converted our covered porch into an amazing space

The Greenhouse - a look inside when we first settled the space with furniture and houseplants

Cow Face Farm started in 2017 when we moved to Arkansas. 

It's not about the end result, but about the process.  The most important step is to start, and secondly, to keep going.  

The principle behind the book, "Atomic Habits" by James Clear is not about making major progress all at one time, but instead to make small steps every day to move toward your goal(s), place you want to be, etc.  It's about the process and learning to enjoy the process.  

We began our gardening journey with simple beginnings in 2015; we had a 5 gallon "bucket garden" on our deck in Cincinnati along with a good number of indoor plants.  That is when we discovered we have a passion for growing food, but were in limbo knowing the future held a relocation to Arkansas.  

We didn't let the impending move stop us from creating a small garden to fulfill our desire to start gardening. We created a garden we could take with us!  

Fast forward to today (January 2022), and we have 2 established vegetable, herb, and fruit gardens, a greenhouse, a rose garden, two chicken coops, and plans to add a geothermal greenhouse and rabbits this year.  

We won't stop there, but admittedly, the amount of plants, animals, and infrastructure we have to maintain is overwhelming at times.  Formerly simple tasks like weeding and watering our gardens has become a big "to do" with the amount of garden space we have today.  A big part of this is, we are busy working professionals and have two young children, but we are problem solvers.  If there is a will, there is a way.  You just have to prioritize effectively and keep chugging along.

One of the projects we have "shortlisted" and are likely to tackle this year, is adding automated irrigation for our main garden.  This project will take ~1 weekend and save 1-2 hours of watering on a typical day during the growing season.

We are most certainly all over the map and have our hands into way more projects than we can handle, but the idea is to get started and keep going.  Whether your goal is to do something big or just have a few really good vegetables and herbs to mix things up with your cooking, the most important thing is to get started.  

Equally important is to not give up unless you have truly had it.  We have definitely suffered a lot of set-backs along the way.  Not having enough time and neglecting our gardens, pest infestations, racoons eating our cantaloupe the day before we were going to harvest them, etc.  You have to keep going despite set-backs if you are to achieve your goals.

Our ultimate goal is to produce 80% or more of our own food by the time we retire or early into our retirement.