
Why we are passionate about composting

It is weird to say being passionate about composting, but really that is probably the best word that describes how we feel about it. This is because composting is so important in the whole cycle. Composting is creating foundations, matter for the next round of crops. Also once you realize that the soil is alive you look at it different.  


Reuse vs Landfill

Creates nutrients rich soil

Cost savings

Bokashi Method Composting

Being active in many different gardening and homesteading communities in person and online, some of the most common questions we hear from new gardeners is related to composting.  Which method should we use? 

Typically, when people think about composting they are thinking of the old pile of table scraps they toss in a pile in the darkest corner of their garden to forget about, and it really never turns into anything.  Or takes 6-12 months to break down properly.  And frequently with the toss it in a pile and forget about it composting method, field mice, shrews, snakes, and other critters end up calling the pile home. 

In the majority of cases when people ask us about composting, we recommend Bokashi.  

Why Bokashi?  

 Bokashi composting is a method of composting that involves using a special mix of microorganisms to ferment organic waste.   

Here are the steps to follow to bokashi compost:

Note: It's important to keep the Bokashi composting bin in a cool, dark place and to avoid adding meat, dairy, or oils to the bin as they will not break down properly.

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